2024年10月21日 星期一
2024年10月21日 星期一

美国能源部Imre Gyuk博士高调亮相中国

2019/10/15 15:45:561819


日前,据ESSC2015组委会透露,美国能源部Imre Gyuk博士确认出席2015510-12日在中国深圳君悦酒店举办的第四届中国国际储能电站大会暨颁奖盛典2015并作主题演讲。

According to the organizing committee ESSC2015,Dr. Imre Gyuk of U.S. Department of Energy confirmed to attend and also will make speech at the 4th China International Energy Storage Station Congress 2015,which will be held in May 10-12, 2015 in shenzhen, China at the Grand Hyatt.


After taking a B.S. from Fordham University, Dr. Gyuk did graduate work at Brown University on Superconductivity. Having received a Ph.D. in Theoretical Particle Physics from Purdue University he became a Research Associate at Syracuse. As an Assistant Professor he taught Physics, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Architecture at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Gyuk became an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at Kuwait University where he became interested in issues of sustainability.


Dr. Gyuk joined the Department of Energy to manage the Thermal and Physical Storage program. For the past decade he has directed the Electrical Energy Storage research program in the Office of Electricity. Currently he also supervises the $185M ARRA stimulus funding for Grid Scale Energy Storage Demonstrations. He is internationally recognized as an expert on storage technology and has presented numerous keynotes at conferences in Sydney, Taipei, Seoul, Beijing, Amsterdam, Bilbao, and throughout the U.S.

对于美国能源领域大家所关注的一切谜团,相信随着他这次的中国之行,必将为大家一一揭晓。让我们共同期待Imre Gyuk510日于深圳君悦酒店举办的第四届中国国际储能电站大会暨颁奖盛典2015上的主题演讲。请赶紧登陆第四届中国国际储能电站大会官网http://www.cdmc.org.cn/2015/essc/ 报名参与 !

For all the misteries of energy field,pay close attention to his trip to China, which will be one by one shared to you. Let&qpos;s hope that Imre Gyukthe show up at the 4th China International Energy Storage Station Congress 2015 and his speech on May 10-12, in the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Shenzhen,China. Please login to the 4th China International Energy Storage Station Congress 2015&qpos;s official website: http://www.cdmc.org.cn/2015/essc/en/to sign up!